All the lag Reducing Features developed by AMD from 2015-2020

All the lag Reducing Features developed by AMD from 2015-2020
All the lag Reducing Features developed by AMD from 2015-2020, Source: AMD

From esports play to casual fun plays, performance, and latency matters. To win any game, you must have lag-free gameplay so that you can give your best. Radeon software has several features that reduce the lag and ensure you play at your best. 

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Technologies in Radeon Features that help you prevent lag

AMD FreeSync™ Technology 

Introduced back in 2015, AMD FreeSync technology is made for liquid-crystal displays to reduce the scuttering and tearing caused by the misalignment of the Screen refresh rate with the refresh rate of content you are playing. 

AMD FreeSync™ Technology Requirements

  • Players must have an AMD FreeSync capable monitor with a supported AMD Radeon GPU. Check the list of supported monitors here.
  • AMD FreeSync works only with the applications running on DirectX® 9 or higher.

How to enable AMD FreeSync™ Technology

  1. Open Radeon Settings then, Go to the home screen of your laptop/pc, and now right-click on the desktop or simply click the Show hidden icons button given on the taskbar.
  2. Go to Display Settings.
  3. Now turn on the AMD FreeSync™ Technology
  4. Now close it, you are done!

Radeon™ Anti-lag

The Radeon™ Anti-lag was introduced with the Radeon RX 5000 series GPU, what it does is it queue the CPU work ahead of GPU work in games that run on DirectX 9 or 11. This results in reducing the input lag to up to 32% Tomb Raider game said AMD.

How to enable Radeon™ Anti-lag

  1. Open Radeon Settings then, Go to the home screen of your laptop/pc, and now right-click on the desktop or simply click the Show hidden icons button given on the taskbar.
  2. Go to Graphics Settings.
  3. Now simply turn on the Radeon™ Anti-lag feature

Radeon™ Enhanced Sync

Radeon Enhanced Sync helps players minimize the screen tearing while decreasing the latency and stutter of the V-Sync. Enhanced sync display the completely rendered frames first, neglecting the queue. Which relaxes the V-Sync to get new information to the screen as quick as possible.

How to enable Radeon™ Enhanced Sync

  1. Open Radeon Settings then, Go to the home screen of your laptop/pc, and now right-click on the desktop or simply click the Show hidden icons button given on the taskbar.
  2. Go to Graphics Settings.
  3. Now simply turn on the Radeon

Radeon™ Boost

Radeon Boost drops the resolution during camera rotation in first- and third-person games. You may not even notice that the resolution change is happening, except that your frame rates will be higher and, as a result, responses to your input are more immediate. [Learn More]

Radeon Boost, Source: AMD

How to enable Radeon Boost

  1. Open Radeon Settings then, Go to the home screen of your laptop/pc, and now right-click on the desktop or simply click the Show hidden icons button given on the taskbar.
  2. Go to Graphics Settings.
  3. Now simply turn on the Radeon Boost feature
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