Netflix to offer 2 Days Free Subscrbtion for free In India, Starting from December 5, 12 PM Midnight

Netflix to offer 2 Days Free Subscrbtion for free In India
Netflix to offer 2 Days Free Subscription for free In India

  • Netflix to offer 2 Days Free Subscription for free In India.
  • Starting 5 December from 12PM Midnight
Netflix India has announced that they will be offering a free subscription to Netflix starting from December 5, 12 PM-Midnight.

Users all over India can access any web show, documentary, TV series, and even movies during this steamfest. Also, they can access every other feature like parental control, watch lost, use sub and dub, etc.

All you have to do is visit Netflix. after December 5, 12 PM, and sign up with your name and other required fields. (No credit or debit card required)

One thing to keep in mind is, your free account will not be accessible on multiple devices ie. You can only access your account only in one place at a time. - Said Monika Shergill, Vice president of Netflix India

According to the company they are doing this so that everyone can fully take the experience of quality they provide on their streaming platform.
