RTX 30 and AMD RX 6800 Struggling to run Cyberpunk 2077

RTX 30 Performance in Cyberpunk 2077 with RTX ON
RTX 30 Performance in Cyberpunk 2077 with RTX ON

Previously, we've seen the System Requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 with RTX ON revealed by the company. According to the System Requirements given by Cyberpunk, an GTX 780 is required to play Cyberpunk 2077 at 1080p low settings, GTX 1060 for 1080p hight, RTX 2060 for 1440p Ultra, RTX 2080/3070 for 2160p Ultra settings, RTX 2060 for 1080 RT Medium, RTX 3070 for 1440p RT Ultra, and RTX 3080 for 2160p RT Ultra.

Well, according to TomsHardware game testing, it seems that those System Requirements are for 30-40 FPS which is kinda unplayable, the RTX 30 series gives only 30-40 FPS while playing the Cyberpunk 2077 however, 30-40 FPS is not that bad but you may face difficulty aiming the guns and driving the vehicles at fast speed.

See detailed info and Performance of particular CPU and GPU at TomsHardware
